Apply to be a Vendor
Are you interested in being a Vendor at Christmas Con in Edison, New Jersey? Please download the appropriate application below and email the completed form to vendors@thats4entertainment.com
Edison, NJ

Are you interested in being a Vendor, Artist or Crafter at 90s Con Hartford? Please download the appropriate application below and email the completed form to vendors@thats4entertainment.com
Hartford, CT
Q: When does the application for ____________ Con go live?
A: Please follow us on social media for announcements concerning when apps go live.
Q: When will I know if I’ve been approved to be an exhibitor at one of your shows?
A: Due to the amount of applications we receive and the fact that our staff wear many hats and work on multiple shows at once (among other reasons), responses can take up to 4 to 6 weeks. This is most likely to be true immediately after an application releases and within a month of one of our shows as our full attention shifts to that show.
Q: How will I know if I’ve been accepted as an exhibitor at one of your shows?
A: If you are accepted you will receive an invoice from our Square account with further instructions.
Q: How will I know if my application has been denied?
A: We do our best to notify anyone that we have denied, provided you followed all the instructions for completing and returning your application. If you failed to follow the instructions in returning your application, your application will be denied and you will not be notified. At any time you may inquire about your status, but the most common reason you have not heard back is that your application is still under review or your application was not received.
Q: If accepted, when will I receive a vendor packet(s) and/or my load-in instructions?
A: We work with our external vendors and the venues we host events in to provide you with vendor packets as soon as possible. Sometimes, due to reasons beyond our control, those vendor packets are not distributed until the month before the convention. Your load-in instructions will be sent out at least five (5) days prior to show opening.
Q: What day is vendor load-in/arrival/check-in?
A: Vendor load-in/arrival/check-in for ALL That’s4Entertainment shows always takes place the Thursday before show opening. We only allow load-in/arrival/check-in on Thursday. There is no load-in/arrival/check-in on any other day. We do NOT make exceptions for this. All load-in/arrival/check-in is scheduled by T4E staff. You will receive your load-in/arrival/check-in time and instructions at least five (5) days prior to show opening, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Q: Are booth reservation fees due in full upon acceptance as an exhibitor?
A: Typically we have an option to allow you to pay a 25% deposit until a later date when the remainder of your fees will be due. This date can be found on the application and is contained in the invoice you receive when accepted, if you optioned to pay a deposit only. As we get closer to the event, typically within 8 weeks, we stop offering the option to pay a deposit and at that point all fees become due in full.
Q: Can I pick my own space on the floor?
A: Short answer: No. Long answer: No. We spend many hours creating our floor plans to make them the best they can be, and part of that includes the placement of vendors.
Q: Why do you not offer Crafter booths any longer?
A: Creator and Crafter spaces overlapped in size and furnishings, so in order to streamline our processes we combined all Artist, Writer, and Creator spaces into one application. Crafters must now apply for a Creator space.
Q: I’m a Crafter, can I apply for an Artist table?
A: No. We are cutting back on our Artist and Writer spaces in future shows and following strict criteria for being selected to reserve one of those tables. Crafters must apply for Creator spaces and will only be selected to fill Creator spaces. Furthermore, after application review, some crafters may be instructed to apply as a Vendor.